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I was invited

December 22, 2011

This fall one of our visitors wrote this poem after her visit and has graciously allowed us to share it with you.  We love that we can serve as a place of inspiration!

I was invited*

by susan h robbins

The embrace is immediate

harmonic waves of wood and heart and

wedding vows of rhythm,  dovetails of stories

in pigments and honeyed angles and curves and spirals that sing

layers of line that ebb and rise to court the light in our eyes

folded shirts that I wear in the intimacy of space and time

you can taste in the kitchen,   still.

*a visit – autumn 2011 – The Wharton Esherick Studio and Museum, Valley Forge, PA

How have you been inspired by the Wharton Esherick Museum?  We’d love for you to share your stories, poetry, pictures, art work, drawings etc with us.  Feel free to post on our facebook page or email them to

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